soul winner's conference nw 2025 oregon

They are searching... Are you reaching?

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So what is this all about?

This is a time dedicated to sharing the love of Christ and helping others find their way to Him. Whether you're new in your faith or have been walking this path for years, this conference offers something inspiring and practical for everyone.

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations... Matt. 28:19 KJV

Addiction Recovery Program

Life Recovery Training

Friday @ 2:00 pm

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Special Panel Discussion

The Elements & Practice of Soul Winning

Saturday @ 9:50 am

Panel discussion topics include: personal witness approach, church strategy and involvement, and today’s atmosphere in receiving the Gospel.

ticket free registration

Are there any registration fees?

No, this is a free conference for all areas of ministry. Oregon North American Missions for the United Pentecostal Church and Christian Prisoner Ministry generously finance this conference.

Is there a hotel nearby?

Yes, the Hotel Salem is newly remodeled and only a six minute drive (two miles) from the conference location. The special group rate for Friday night, February 7, 2025 is as follows: King suites: $149/night (plus tax) or Double queen suites: $159/night (plus tax). To book your room at this special rate, call the hotel directly at 503-588-9220 and specify the group rate “OR NAM 2025.” Rooms are subject to availability, so we recommend booking early to secure your spot.


Nicholes Robbins

David McGovern

Conference Schedule

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Friday, Feb. 7th

10:00 AM
Oregon/Regional Updates & How to Become Effective in Prison/Jail Ministries
Doug Lethin - Oregon CPM Chaplain

10:30 AM
The Transforming Work of CPM & How Effective Ministries Transform Volunteers and Hearers
Nicholes Robbins - UPCI National Chaplain

11:30 AM
How To Do Life Recovery Ministry & Who You Can Reach
John Molina - Life Recovery Instructor

12:00 PM
Lunch & Participant Testimonies

1:00 PM
Stories of Redemption & Learning Skills to Bridge the Recovery World With an Apostolic Approach
Vicki Pastre-Molina

2:00 PM
Life Recovery Instructions and Certification Path
Nicholes Robbins

3:30-7:00 PM
Afternoon Break

7:30 PM
General Session
David McGovern

Saturday, Feb. 8th

9:00 AM

9:15 AM
General Session 1
Nicholes Robbins

9:50 AM
The Elements & Lifestyle of Soul Winning
Panel Discussion

10:50 AM
Morning Break
Donuts & Coffee

11:10 AM
General Session 2
James W. Dillon

11:45 AM

12:00 PM
General Session 3
David McGovern

12:45 PM
Prayer & Dismissal

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Christian World Fellowship
4932 Liberty Rd. S
Salem, OR 97306

(503) 363-0828

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Soul Winner's Conference 2024 Videos

more information

Dave Bragg

Dave Bragg

Please contact Dave Bragg, NAM Director at (541) 521-0125 or [email protected].